My name is David, I'm freelancing in 3d graphics.
Welcome to version 7 of my site. These pages show my works, some tutorials, articles, and personal stuff.
For this version, I have dropped Flash as it was too much work to maintain, and to update the content.
Using XHTML, PHP and CSS's latest technologies, I can update my site quickly and easily. This is important to me in a time when I need to share some technical articles with other 3d artists.
Since 2009, on top of my character animation and 3d graphic jobs, being a Softimage instructor occupies my time. The ability for me to quickly upload some articles will also be interesting for my students.
All my new works have been added to the site, and I have kept some of the older content.
The main chapters of the site are :
"Home" : a quick access to the main CG works I have done.
"Works" : a complete tour of my CG works.
"Pro" : about the services I offer as a freelancer.
"Resources" : tutorials, articles and web links.
"About" : some info about this web site and myself.
Hope to hear from you.